Aqualyx is a non-surgical solution to minimise and remove stubborn pockets of fat. It is ideal for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have pockets of fat that won’t shift, even with focused exercise.
This technique consists of injecting the solution into localised fat deposits. Aqualyx consists of phosphatidylcholine – a natural substance which, when given in higher doses, can cause the destruction of fat cells.
Destroying the fat cells is a long-term solution provided you retain a stable weight, eat healthily and continue exercise as usual. Aqualyx leads to a permanent reduction of fatty tissue; once removed, fat cells will not reappear.
Aqualyx can be used over the entire body for dissolution of fat deposits.
Areas include:
Only 2 to 8 sessions are normally required to get the best results and what’s more – once you have completed your treatments the results can be maintained through a healthy lifestyle.
There are some other interesting uses for Aqualyx:
The Aqualyx solution is mixed with a small amount of a local anaesthetic drug called lignocaine to make it more comfortable. The needle we use is very fine. Most people describe the procedure itself as a little uncomfortable but not painful. You could take some Paracetamol tablets an hour before treatment if you are concerned.
Once the local anaesthetic starts to wear off you may feel quite tender. Make sure you have some Paracetamol you can take, but avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen and Aspirin).
The treated area will look swollen initially, but you should expect this swelling to double in size within the first 24-48 hours. The swelling will go down over the course of the next week, although in rare cases may persist longer. Remember – SWELLING IS GOOD! The more you swell the more you are responding to treatment.
The treated area will look red and feel warm afterwards, and this may persist for 2 days.
You may develop some bruising in the treated area, may feel itchy, and may have some minor aches and pains.
The skin overlying the treated area will feel numb, even after the local anaesthetic wears off.
You will start to notice an improvement anywhere between 3 and 6 weeks, and could notice ongoing improvements up to 6 months.