The massage stimulates the drainage of lymph and boosts the removal of waste products from the area. The lymphatics are the body’s waste disposal system, collecting any toxins that we need to get rid of, As a result, Manual Lymphatic Drainage works to support healthy function and healing. Manual Lymphatic Drainage offers many benefits including speeding up healing following cosmetic surgery, reducing pain, swelling, and bruising, cellulite, and maintaining your body’s normal healthy function.
Surgeons often recommend that their patients supplement their recovery with Lymphatic Massage for Plastic Surgery as early as possible, ideally within the first few day's post-surgery.
Lymphatic massage prevents fluid buildup after surgery and flushes out unwanted cellular debris and excess fluid at a fast rate. This helps reduce pain, bruising, swelling, and prevents fibrosis (scar tissue development beneath the skin), and fastens healing.
What price can I expect to pay?
£70 Per session
More accurate pricing can be given at a consultation appointment.